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Blueberry Jessner Peel

Ideal skin treatment option for anyone concerned with oily, congested or those who have pigmentation or skin ageing issues.

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Treatment information

What is a Blueberry Jessner Peel?

This peel is a progressive exfoliating skin treatment that is part of the Level 3 Peel range. It contains active ingredients including chirally correct L-Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol in addition to Blueberry extract. When applied to the skin the Blueberry Jessner Peel will provide a superficial to medium depth exfoliation, which means it will treat beyond the surface layers of your skin and into your dermis, it contains the highest acid content of all treatments we offer.

What does the Blueberry Jessner Peel treat?

The Blueberry Jessner Peel is an ideal skin treatment option for anyone concerned with oily, congested skin or those who have pigmentation or skin ageing issues. It is also excellent for treating pseudofolliculitis. The Blueberry Jessner is also particular good for treating photo-damaged skin. Due to the combination of acids, it is one of the few peels which generates heat. While we are all about reducing inflammation with our treatments, it is sometimes beneficial to have a little destruction to breakdown old, damaged tissue and collagen. This ignites and up regulation of the Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP’s) responsible for the breakdown of damaged Collagen and Elastin. Which in turn allows for new collagen rebuilding and remodelling. Out with the old, in with the new!

How does the Blueberry Jessner Peel Work?

The treatment is suitable for all Fitzpatrick skin types, however Fitzpatrick IV-VI would require skin priming due to the heat involved with the treatment.

The treatment can be layered and used on its own to provide a medium depth exfoliation that will dissolve and clear underlying congestion in addition to hydrating the skin and removing stubborn pigmentation. Blueberry Jessner Peel can also be used a “peel duo” in combination with other Metabolic peels to increase the depth of their penetration. A great combination is the Blueberry Jessner plus a purity peel for the treatment of acne and acne scared skin. Another is the Blueberry Jessner plus a timeless peel for treating hyperpigmentation, melasma and photo-damaged skin.

As this is quite a powerful peel solution, it is necessary that you properly prepare your skin in advance. This involves use prescribed home care products containing active ingredients including AHAs and Vitamin A that will ensure your skin is prepped and primed to benefit the most from this advanced skin treatment. Your skin expert will provide a detailed analysis and advise on what products to use in advance of your treatment.

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01480 760 700

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    I am absolutely recommend, was very professional, with fantastic results.

    He can’t wait for another one. Thank you 😊

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