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Water Retention

Treatments designed to help with Water Retention conditions are listed below:

    Drastically reduce puffiness and sagging of the face with our facial massages

    Eye perfection is an advanced professional treatment with a global rejuvenating action, carefully formulated to treat the eye contour. It treats all the signs that age the eyes, such as flaccidity, eye bags and periorbital wrinkles (crow’s feet and frown lines, etc.).

    We provide a select range of Eye treatments to keep you looking and feeling your best-self.

    Drastically reduce puffiness and sagging of the face with our facial massages

    Give your skin a flawless appearance and Clarity, whilst smoothing the texture and skin tone. LED light therapy is an effective yet sensitive method of improving any blemishes or light scarring. This treatment is great for mild skin allergies such as psoriasis, eczema and rosacea.

    Non invasive facial, using electrical currents to stimulate muscle tissue in the face and stimulate the production of collagen. Great for anti aging, fine lines and puffiness.

Water Retention Conditions & their treatments

Water retention in the skin, often presenting as puffiness or swelling, can be the result of various factors including diet, lifestyle, and certain medical conditions. At L Beauty, our approach to treating water retention begins with a thorough assessment to identify potential underlying causes. We may offer lymphatic drainage massages, which are designed to stimulate the lymphatic system and help reduce fluid buildup. Additionally, we provide guidance on dietary adjustments, such as reducing salt intake, and recommend regular exercise to improve circulation. We may also suggest skincare products with ingredients known to have diuretic properties that can help alleviate swelling and improve skin texture.